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Veterans Affairs committee  Could you repeat the question?

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  I agree with what Josée said. The linkage that we were asked to put together, the data that we were asked to put together, referred only to the 60-plus population. I imagine that the widows of survivors would have been in an age group younger than that, if they had qualified for receiving the pension.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  Thank you. No, we don't have any particular insight into that. I can imagine that it might be associated with the distribution of veterans and persons in service across Canada. It may be related to that. As Ms. Bégin has said a couple of times, we didn't explore the data in a way that would cause us to have come up with a definite conclusion on that question.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  Thank you. I would say that, in this data, the proportion of male survivors and men who are married to an alive veteran, at the time that we were able to see them, is fairly small. Therefore, I would be quite hesitant to draw conclusions about the reasons for the differences between the incomes of the two groups.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  Thank you for your question. Again, it's really very difficult for us to say. Perhaps I could explain in a little bit more detail what we have here that we can talk about. What we have here are the results of an exercise wherein records for veterans and persons who in the past had received or currently are receiving a pension were integrated with other data so that we could see if there was evidence that they were married after 60.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  The table itself does indicate that women spouses—whether they be survivors or spouses of living veterans—did have lower total incomes in 2018. The different components of the incomes are offered there as well. To answer your question, though, which is fairly specific, I would need to look across the table to say, okay, this is how much came from earnings and this is how much came from their pensions.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  We can give you the general question, as well as some copies of the letter of agreement, which you could add to the minutes of today's meeting. It describes all the details that we used to prepare our table.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  Sure. The gap ratio is an indicator that measures the quantity below the low-income threshold that a person's income is. A larger gap ratio means that, on average, those individuals have an income that is further away from the low-income threshold. For example, if I look at the first table on veterans who are alive, it indicates that the gap ratio for women is 1.6, roughly, which means they're 60% below the low-income threshold.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  Thank you for your question, Ms. Blaney. I think we would need to do more analysis to answer that question. The data that we have presented to you here shows that older survivors and older spouses of veterans who are still alive do have lower incomes than younger ones do, but that's fairly normal in terms of people's life-course.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  Thank you for the question. Broadly speaking, we release income statistics at Statistics Canada annually. It's a pretty common pattern that household incomes—the incomes of families and individuals—are higher in western provinces, somewhere in the middle in Ontario and B.C., and lower in Quebec and the maritime provinces.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  Thank you, Mr. Tolmie. I would only echo what Ms. Bégin said. Certainly, we have the data to provide a comparator, if you were interested in looking at similar populations that would be comparable using the same data.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  Thank you for your question. In this instance, the guideline for low income is set at 50% of the median income for Canadian families. An adjustment is made on the basis of the size of the family using a specific matrix that varies for each family size. Then we look at current income and compare it to the threshold definition to see if the families…

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  I think I understand your question. We can provide the income thresholds used in the study. This information is available at our website, but we can send the tables to the committee.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  I don't understand the question. I'm sorry. Ms. Bégin, could you answer that one?

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz

Veterans Affairs committee  I have the letter of agreement here beside me. For Veterans Affairs Canada, the signatory was Crystal Garrett-Baird. We have our deliverable date, which was toward the end of the fiscal year 2020-21. I'd have to look into the exact date that it was delivered, but it would be before the end of March 2021.

May 13th, 2022Committee meeting

Andrew Heisz