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Fisheries committee  I'm going to say Russia.... I'm going to say Russia: They're killing people every day, and there's no reason why anyone in Canada should be afraid to kill a seal and sell their products to the world—

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  Yes, it's my understanding that they do. Actually, I have some data that was sent to me while I was on vacation last week. Some of the limited stomach sampling that was done in the winter months—I'm assuming that it was done off Nova Scotia—showed that the contents in the grey seals' stomachs were up to 47% Atlantic mackerel.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  Yes, I know a bit about it. It went through the U.S. legislature and was voted on and passed. Because of the problem that was identified, primarily with sea lions, I believe, they allowed for the killing of sea lions in that area. This is true of the U.S. east coast as well. There is a lot of information available on the grey seals.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  I think it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. How healthy does the seal population have to be? You're at record levels with grey seals in the maritime provinces. The harp seal population, in the last census, was 7.6 million animals. The Baltic states released a report this past fall—multiple countries signed on—saying that there is an issue with their fishery because of grey seals.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  I think it is an education program, as well as a marketing program. We need to reach out to the countries that we're currently doing trade with, not only in fish products but in all products, and educate them as to what happened to the great fishery that we had in Atlantic Canada.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  We're just talking about utilizing seals for the good of people and for food. We have a country in the world right now.... I can't even go there....

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  There is a two-letter answer: no.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  Yes, I certainly agree with that statement. Seals will eat anything in the ocean. Depending on seasonality, meaning when certain species are available, they will consume that species. Depending on the numbers of seals, the impact on the particular population can be significant.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  A year or so ago I spoke to some of you parliamentarians with another group. We talked to 50 MPs across Canada, and practically all were 100% supportive of our message, but we have an existing quota, and our quota is, I don't know, 460,000 animals, for harps. This year, the ask is for 25,000 animals— that's the ask, so we have a long way to go before we can go to DFO and ask for more quota.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  Yes. You have two fishers here today, Mr. LeClair and the other gentleman there, from P.E.I. Any science would value their input. These gentlemen have a lifetime of experience. They're on the water every day, so what they see is important. I think they have been ignored for far too long.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  I can go only by what I see locally. I cannot say what the mindset in Ottawa is. Locally, among the scientists who have been involved with the fishing industry and in particular with seals, the mindset is that seals—I can give you press release after press release—have no impact on any fishery in Newfoundland or, I would say, in Atlantic Canada.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  The Marine Mammal Protection Act was put in place in 1972, I believe, mainly to protect whales. Given the increase in pinnipeds internationally—not only in Canada, although we have by far the largest numbers—the removal or negotiation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act would be critically important to doing new business and developing products and markets for seals.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  The biggest impediment would be the marketability of the products and having access to markets to encourage full utilization. At the current time, there are not adequate markets for the resource or the quota that's available.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  I didn't get your full question there, Mr. Small.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy

Fisheries committee  Well, if you're going to have full utilization of pinnipeds, no matter the species, you're going to deal with the skin, you're going to deal with the fat, and you're going to deal with the meat and bone component. Currently, there is a small industry for fur and leather. There is experimentation going on with the meat for a variety of products, and some of them are very exciting.

March 23rd, 2023Committee meeting

Robert Hardy