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Industry committee  As the former commissioner, I know we may have received complaints about that issue. Of course, they wouldn't have made it to my level, the commissioner level, but on the issue of labour rights and rights of hockey players, clearly there can be competition issues when dealing with large leagues and teams.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  It's a very complex area. Obviously, the use of credit cards is a benefit to small and medium-sized enterprises. Clearly, it helps with attracting consumers and attracting business. In terms of the right price for the right to use these cards or the ability to use the cards, that's a very tough question.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  It's obviously important for the recommendations to be unfettered and independent, and based on the evidence and independent experts, if they're used. The bureau undertook a financial technology study when I was commissioner. We made recommendations to Finance Canada on how to introduce more financial technology services to help with competition.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  Anti-competitive behaviour is identified in the Competition Act, which was recently amended. It is any conduct that enhances, preserves or creates market power, first of all, for companies that have that and then engage in conduct that is “exclusionary, disciplinary or predatory”, and it now includes “an adverse effect on competition”.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  Again, it seems to be a very narrow, sectoral issue that I would commend to the Competition Bureau to study through a market study, followed by recommendations, as opposed to a more high-level approach. We've dealt with credit card issues in the past at the bureau. As you may know, an order was imposed on Interac for debit cards and debit fees which imposed very low rates, and that was a result of the good work that was done by the Competition Bureau.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  The thesis in my paper that I mentioned is something that I've been advocating for some time. The Competition Bureau is currently situated as sort of a sector branch within ISED, the industry department. As a result, it has to report its administrative and financial responsibilities there.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  Yes, that would be my recommendation. They would report directly to Parliament. They're free; they can be more outspoken, and they can be more effective. They'd be accountable for their resources to Parliament, as opposed to being buried within a department where their resources aren't protected.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  Thank you for that question, Mr. Masse. In terms of the treatment of consumers in Canada vis-à-vis the U.S., obviously rules and regulations in the U.S. are different from those in Canada, particularly in dealing with consumer protection and antitrust situations. The antitrust laws in the U.S. are very severe, with severe penalties, including very active private class action mechanisms that allow companies and consumers to advocate before the courts and obtain damages for conduct by companies.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  I'm going to have to be careful to not speak outside my lane and outside of my expertise. I'll focus on competition law. Specifically dealing with trade agreements, there are provisions in the trade agreements that deal with harmonization of competition laws. However, in terms of the consumer protection side, I'm not aware that there is a detailed harmonization attempt, as you're suggesting.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  Very briefly, clearly, to have a more diverse workforce is a goal for government. Allowing for open, unfettered markets that function freely helps with that. Clearly there are places where government subsidies and intervention are required to facilitate more diversity. The program that Mr.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  Thank you for the question. In my opening statement, I commended the government for taking some baby steps towards strengthening competition laws. I firmly believe more needs to be done, particularly given that its competition laws are a huge macroeconomic policy lever to deal with increased productivity and competitiveness, and that lever has been neglected, in my view,.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman

Industry committee  Thank you very much for the invitation to appear here today. Before I begin, I think it's important to say that I'm here speaking in my personal capacity. My comments are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Fasken or its clients, where I currently serve as a senior business adviser, nor the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, where I was recently appointed a fellow to write an independent report on the future of competition policy.

September 26th, 2022Committee meeting

John Pecman