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Transport committee  No, I understand. You're asking how we can better attract under-represented groups into transportation occupations: women, youth, visible minorities. I think there's a lot of work that we've done in this area. I've cited some of our youth research already and more work that we can do around women.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  In the work we do, I'm not involved on border issues. The only thing I would add is simply that anything that can help alleviate the issues and the bottlenecks is needed.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  Absolutely. It already is. As Mike mentioned, we are seeing more driver-assist technology. We're seeing touchless technologies that came into play during COVID, and they are constantly improving. Anything that makes their job easier and makes the occupation and the truck driver more productive benefits all of us.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  Yes, absolutely. We need to end Driver Inc. It is a serious concern within our industry. I believe you've already heard about that and some of the implications it has for legitimate trucking companies. What I would add is that I think the committee members should take note of the billions of dollars of tax revenue that are lost because there's no tax being paid.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  That's right.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  There are training schools. Some are better than others, but what we see a lot of right now is that trucking companies are partnering specifically with certain training schools or they have developed their own in-house training programs. They develop their own programs. They train in-house.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  Thank you. We actually did the research on this. We did research on what millennials think of our industry and what would attract them to our industry. What we learned through that research is that there is a pool of workers who are interested in working in trucking and logistics and we just need to reach them better.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  Yes. I think Canada has a unique situation in terms of addressing our shortage in particular, but I can share one example of getting more women into the trucking industry. During the pandemic in the U.K., there was an increase in women becoming courier drivers, clearly responding to that demand.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  It's an interesting question. It is a larger shortage simply in terms of scale in the United States. What we've seen is that shortages in the United States are different, in that turnover seems to be an acceptable business practice in the U.S., whereas it isn't in Canada. They simply accept it as a cost of doing business, which I think has other implications.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  Well, it varies. For one thing, entry-level training has different requirements in each province, but on average, as Mike mentioned, to get your commercial driver's licence, it's around 100 to 110 hours. Then there's an onboarding program. Once that individual has their commercial driver's licence, then each employer has their own onboarding finishing program, which is endorsed by whichever insurer they're using.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  The vacancy is 28,000-plus right now. As of today, we're short that many truck drivers.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  Yes. It's 28,210. That's the number of vacancies today. As was mentioned earlier, the challenge there is that those vacancies have been posted for 90 days or longer, which means we're in a state of constantly recruiting, so even when we get that one driver, we're still behind. We're not moving forward in terms of addressing that shortage.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  I would agree, absolutely. The process time is a concern. It takes a long time. These employers have invested in finding these drivers. They've even gone overseas to meet them, and then it could take up to a yea, and then they lose that driver. They're losing money on those recruitment efforts as well.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter

Transport committee  Just getting your commercial driver's licence does not mean you're ready to drive a 53-foot trailer down the highway—mountain passes and dangerous goods or not, period. You're not fully equipped. We need to bridge that gap. I would say, to Mike's point, that at the provincial level, there's entry-level training.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Angela Splinter