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Justice committee  That's the kind of assistance we provide at our centre; I'd say we really provide a full range of services. Other groups and associations offer the same kind of assistance. Of course, we do have waiting lists, as do many other places. It would be a good idea to provide better support to organizations that offer that kind of assistance.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  We got lucky. The #MeToo movement put a lot of pressure on the various systems and made the police to take a good look at themselves. In my region, I feel it's much easier to work with police officers now. They ask to meet with us to discuss things and see how we can work together better.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  As I said before, they need support. I work in a community organization. I know that there are about 30 organizations like mine in Quebec and Ontario. There are fewer of them in the other provinces. I can't tell you the exact state of services across the country, but more support for victims is certainly needed.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  In 20 years, I've only worked with one person who filed a complaint and then withdrew it, and the prosecutor then decided to go ahead with the charges. In fact, that prosecutor succeeded in getting a guilty verdict. The case involved a young teenage girl who was assaulted by her father and decided to withdraw her complaint.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  I've said pretty much everything I wanted to say. I'm very grateful that committee members are focused on this issue and acknowledging its significance. You were open to broadening the discussion and you didn't confine yourselves to the victims bill of rights. I'm pleased you were able to hear broader testimony on the issue and the barriers to achieving justice.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  I really look at the impact of the trauma they experience. It isn't necessarily accomplished with a conviction. A conviction doesn't always make someone feel better. However, victims should have better access to restorative justice. We know it works and that somehow it soothes them.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  First, I will give you an example of restorative justice. I'm thinking of a woman who went through a restorative justice process with an abuser other than her own abuser. For this victim, speaking up and explaining the impact of the assault to the perpetrator of a related crime had a very positive impact on her taking her power back, which I mentioned.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  They always assess the victim's credibility. A prosecutor assessing the credibility of a victim with developmental disabilities will find it harder to believe they are telling the truth. I have no positive cases to report in that respect.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  People have many different realities. We're dealing with human beings. Some do want to take back their power by standing up and looking their abuser in the eye. In doing so, they also feel they're taking back their dignity. For others, dignity is more about protection and withdrawal.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  I think it's 50‑50. I haven't looked into this, but I feel it's a pretty even split.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  Yes, absolutely. It's really a step toward taking back their power. In fact, that's why restorative justice works. It happens when victims can assert themselves and say what they have to say. At our centre, we ask victims to write letters to confront their abuser. We draw their abuser on the wall and ask the victim to practice by reading their letters to them.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  If I remember the testimony correctly, they said they wanted to have the choice. It's part of them taking back their power. Victims want to be able to choose to come forward publicly or not, and be protected. The key is having the choice.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  First and foremost, we provide them with support. Second, our centre provides two very important things to people who have been sexually assaulted. We acknowledge what they have been through and we believe them. We tell them that what happened to them is not their fault. That's an important piece.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette

Justice committee  They are very afraid of being judged. They are afraid of being asked questions about why they went to the attacker's home or how they were dressed. They are very afraid of being judged. They are also afraid of not being believed. In working with them, we often tell them that, if their goal is to break their silence, that alone is a big deal; it doesn't matter whether their complaint goes any further or not.

October 17th, 2022Committee meeting

Marie-Hélène Ouellette