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Public Accounts committee  Yes. As I indicated in previous answers, you have to look at this on a program-by-program basis, because the data is often unique to the individual program you're looking at, in terms of the results. You can't go with some generalized data collection that isn't necessarily going to get the information you need for all the individual programs.

November 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  I'll go back to the disaggregated data example. There has been progress. There has been progress even since the Auditor General's report, and we recognize that they're right and that there needs to be more. We've taken concrete steps, for example, with the privacy notice to help move this forward, but it's going to take considerable time to get all programs through that process.

November 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  I'm happy to jump in and follow up. I have run three big departments before Treasury Board. There's huge diversity in the programs and actions they're taking. Treasury Board, for example, would see a cement procurement. The data analysis and GBA+ done around a procurement like that is going to be completely different in its intensity and nature than, for example, the launch of a major new social program.

November 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  I'll give you an example from an audit from the previous auditor general. It was around an indigenous skills training program, where the programming was provided to indigenous communities. The question was, what happened to the people five years later? We didn't have data on that, because the communities themselves were not able, necessarily, to track those individuals, as they had left the community.

November 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  I'll give a specific example to show how we agree and how that's consistent with continuing to...and it's around disaggregated data. At the time of the first report, there was some disaggregated data, but major investments had not been made in many areas. They are needed to do additional linking of data, for example, to StatsCan databases on individual programs.

November 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  Departments are ultimately responsible for that, but we provide them with guidance on how to do that, and we have updated the guidance over time in response to what we found in terms of weaknesses. Ultimately, it's departments that will do the reporting, though it's within a frame that we provide to them.

November 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  Sure. We're fortunate to have Annie here, who actually manages the team that does this, so she can give you the real-world application of it.

November 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank Mr. Hayes and his team for their work. We agree with the Auditor General's recommendations, of course, and we are implementing them through a number of key measures, which I will discuss. Earlier this fall, we shared our observations with WAGE, along with the Privy Council Office, on progress in integrating GBA+ into decision-making processes and areas for improvement.

November 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  Malcolm can speak about it a bit more, but we've taken a staged approach. For the real property plans, which are the plans you're talking about, we started with the departments that represent the overwhelming bulk of emissions, 81% of emissions. There were eight departments. Those plans are completed.

October 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  Yes. In fact, I thank Malcolm and the team. I'll point out that the greening government team is a small team of about a dozen people. They, along with the United States, have been co-chairing an international group, a greening government group which they've set up and pioneered with over 50 countries to do this type of sharing.

October 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  It's appropriate that the government would ask Crown corporations to come up with strategies using the mechanisms I described. If it were to flow from our report, we would have to hold consultations, as we committed to doing.

October 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  Right now, that is not being tracked. That's one of the things, based on the commissioner's recommendation, that we've committed to go back and consult on. I would say that for all of those investment vehicles, that's part of what the international task force is working on—

October 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  The projection point, as Bill indicated, will depend on how the technologies develop. For example, on the building front—

October 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  I hesitate to give advice to the House of Commons. I can say that there's one project in which you may be interested in terms of how the Commons is actually heated and cooled: an upgrade to the heating facility that's near the Supreme Court of Canada. That is being converted to a facility that will be just about exclusively powered through hydroelectric power from Quebec.

October 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Graham Flack

Public Accounts committee  One of the reasons we need to do consultations on the Crown corporations is that, as you indicated, with the investment vehicles the government has, including CPPIB, there are questions on how they should be measuring emissions, or the emissions of the corporations—

October 28th, 2022Committee meeting

Graham Flack