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Medical Assistance in Dying committee  That's correct. She had no terminal diagnosis, so we assumed it was under track two, but she didn't have to go through the 90-day assessment period. We just need clarification. We need the documentation to confirm that all the safeguards were followed.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  When we went through the courts and had her application postponed, she was so upset that she slit her wrists. It was then she was considered to be suicidal and put in a psychiatric unit for the last two days of her life. Within four hours of being released, MAID killed her.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  He specifically told us that as hard as it would be—

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  —as horrific as it would be for our mother to pass, at least he could get his life back. He said that to us two weeks before she died.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  Yes. Thank you. I had contacted the Abbotsford Police Department. My sister works for the RCMP, and we decided that we were going to review the Criminal Code after we received my mom's medical records. They didn't indicate any.... There was no terminal illness noted. The doctors had done extensive testing to rule out all forms of terminal illness.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  I do have some comments on that. Mainly, our mother was fully aware that she had these options. Her condition had deteriorated so far at that point that she had suicidal ideation. Because she couldn't access the care she needed in a timely manner—I think that's an important part to put in there—it had gone so far that even though she knew there was access to all of these clinics, it seemed like such a daunting thing to her that it was just easier to end her life at that point.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  Christie, you can answer.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  While my sister's looking this up, I'd like to add that it's the Abbotsford Police Department that's been investigating my mother's death, and they have said to us that should we find any other information that would allow them to reopen this case, they'd be more than happy to do so.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  My sister and I do believe that one of the major contributing factors in my mother's passing was that there was no continuity of care. Each assessment was done by a different psychiatrist. We've now noted that at one point in her medical records, she was diagnosed with psychosomatic disorder.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  I can answer that question. I submitted a freedom of information request for my mother's assessment, and I'll read to you their response. They subjectively decided that I was not acting on my mother's behalf and they stated, “When an applicant is not clearly acting on behalf of the deceased, we must treat the request as an ordinary request by one individual for another person's information.”

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  This is from Fraser Health. As the executor of my mother's estate, I have a legal right to her medical records. I requested her documentation for MAID, and they've denied me. They've subjectively decided that I am not acting in my mother's benefit. I'm trying to ensure that the safeguards were followed and I don't even know if she applied under track one or track two because I can't gain any information on this.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  I'll let my sister speak to that.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan

Medical Assistance in Dying committee  Thank you. Today in Canada, in order to qualify for MAID, you must have an incurable medical condition and experience suffering that is intolerable to you. By that definition, the majority of Canadians qualify for MAID. The core legislation itself is problematic. Based on our experience, we have outlined the following recommendations for your final report.

November 18th, 2022Committee meeting

Alicia Duncan