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Procedure and House Affairs committee  We'll do this in camera, sir.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  I can speak briefly about the cyber portion, and then my colleague can probably speak about the risk around physical threats. Anything touching members' data, members' information, is deemed to be critical, so we see if there is anything around those parameters. Sometimes it's about targeting digital identities instead of infrastructure, a service or an application specifically.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  I think collaboration is really strong in the partnerships. I can attest to that. We have protocols in place associated with the sharing of information. As Stéphan referenced when it comes to sharing members' data, we are not doing that explicitly without your consent. Sometimes there are requests to share data that require consent.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  I can answer from a cyber perspective. No, we aren't. Go ahead, Pat.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  That is a great question, Ms. Mathyssen. In the in camera portion, I can talk a bit more about our partnerships. I can definitely state publicly that we have partnerships with other parliaments that were impacted by these types of attacks. Our dialogue is always constant with partners in those parliaments.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  The information that's communicated to us is highly technical in every case. In a way, it's an analysis issue where we have to determine whether someone in particular has been targeted or if a group of individuals or a specific infrastructure has been targeted. The intervention level is then determined based on the risk level of the situation.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  We action everything that is sent to us depending on risks and those elements. I think we can probably provide more information about specific information that we received through this unclassified briefing in the in camera portion, but publicly, I can say that these types of interventions are kind of like piecing a puzzle together.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Just to clarify matters, are you referring to Canadian parliamentarians?

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  No, no other Canadian parliamentarians were targeted. There's no additional information on the matter apart from what's been mentioned. However, parliamentarians from other countries were targeted.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  I want to thank the member for her question, Mr. Chair. That's a good question, Ms. Fortier. Protocols have been established and put in place. I'll focus specifically on those regarding emails since you mentioned them. We have many services in place, including cybersecurity services, which are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and which anyone can call to have a specific email analyzed.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Thank you for the question, Mrs. Romanado. It doesn't happen often with partners on the cyber front because they understand our mandate when it comes to specific threats regarding the personal identity of members. It's not coming from a lot of instances because usually our interactions with partners are through our mandate specifically.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Thank you, Mr. Clerk. Thank you, Mr. Chair. I’m here today to talk to you about cybersecurity in the House of Commons, specifically to give you information on our evolving cybersecurity posture and the House administration’s commitment to protecting the institution and its users from cyber-threats.

June 4th, 2024Committee meeting

Benoit Dicaire