Vote topic

That the amendment be amended by deleting all the words after the words “as it” and substituting the following:

“chooses to keep tax loopholes for CEOs and giveaways to profitable corporations over providing immediate help to struggling Canadians, fails to honour the government’s promises to invest in health care, seniors, youth, and First Nations children, does not meaningfully improve access to Employment Insurance or close the black hole for seasonal workers, and lacks transparency; and is of the opinion that the Minister of Finance should amend his budgetary policy so that it actually delivers on the government’s promises, and addresses income inequality in this country.”.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 53
Bloc NDP Green
No 272
Conservative Liberal


Didn't vote Gord Brown
Didn't vote Joël Godin
Didn't vote Jim Hillyer
Didn't vote Kellie Leitch
Didn't vote Larry Miller




Didn't vote Mauril Bélanger
Didn't vote Angelo Iacono
Didn't vote Geoff Regan
Didn't vote Anthony Rota
Didn't vote Darrell Samson
Didn't vote Scott Simms
