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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was justice.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for Etobicoke Centre (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2000, with 56% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Hiv-Aids October 2nd, 2003

Mr. Speaker, the answer is yes. We are currently working with all the stakeholders in order to comply with the Patent Act, while at the same time making it easier for these countries to access the drugs that they need.

Agriculture October 2nd, 2003

Mr. Speaker, this is the first I am hearing of it, but if the member will share with me some details of his question, I will be happy to look at it and speak with him about it.

Infrastructure October 2nd, 2003

Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the member for the question. I also want to thank the transport, health and heritage ministers for their assistance in this matter.

Banff National Park is obviously a treasure. It is a great source of tourist activity. It is a wonderful place to visit. We will twin the Trans-Canada Highway through the province. I am sure the House welcomes that news.

It is important because the infrastructure fund is there. The infrastructure fund that the federal government commits is there to do national projects like this one. We will commit additional money as required. Details will be announced as we confer with officials. This is good news for Canada.

BioChem Pharma October 2nd, 2003

Mr. Speaker, I can assure the hon. member that we will do everything possible to protect intellectual property and to retain the jobs and opportunities here in Canada.

BioChem Pharma October 2nd, 2003

Mr. Speaker, I share the concerns expressed by the hon. member about the future of our researchers here in Canada. This is a very important issue for me and I will do my best to ensure not only that the patents and the researchers remain here in Canada, but also that Shire honours its commitments.

Energy September 29th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Natural Resources is looking carefully at this proposal and has consulted broadly with affected communities. Obviously it presents an opportunity for important long term scientific research, but it has to be examined very carefully because it is a major financial commitment. The government will continue studying it and come to a conclusion when all the facts are at hand.

Technology Partnerships Canada September 25th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, first of all, the former minister of finance has been scrupulous over the last 10 years to avoid any conflict between the interests of the corporation and his political responsibilities.

Second, I am very proud to receive advice from CS&E and other excellent Canadian companies involved in the shipbuilding sector.

There was nothing wrong with this investment. It was made after due diligence by TPC. It is a good investment to promote innovation in Canada.

Technology Partnerships Canada September 25th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, technology partnerships Canada does careful due diligence before making any investment to promote innovation. It did due diligence here and found that this investment is a good use of money to commit to the development of new technologies in a shipbuilding sector that holds great promise for the region in Ontario where this company is located and for the sector as a whole.

If the member would spend more time looking at the merits of this investment rather than the cheap politics he is pulling here, he might be better off.

Technology Partnerships Canada September 24th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, first of all, these are not loans, they are investments which create jobs in this country. Second, they are not made until the professionals at technology partnerships Canada have completed due diligence to ensure that they are good investments that will have returns and will produce further economic activity for Canada. All of those criteria were satisfied in all of these cases.

Technology Partnerships Canada September 24th, 2003

First of all, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Jeff Parker is a public servant with the highest calibre of integrity and confidence.

Second, if the member has a question of the ethics counsellor, he should ask the ethics counsellor.